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Simple App to Get You Through Midterms
2 mins
Matthew Tam

Midterms. Jobs. Emotional distress. Relationships.

All of these can be extremely draining on someone physically and mentally. At times stress can be rather minimal while other times such as during midterm and exam season, you can be feel like you are constantly stressed out. Either way, stress is something everyone deals with and if left untreated can negatively affect your state of health. Through meditation and daily care, stress can be drastically reduced in many cases, helping individuals improve their personal health and quality of life.

Headspace can be your go-to app to help relieve much of your built-up stress while simultaneously increasing mindfulness. The app's simple, innovative, and intuitive design makes it an activity you will look forward to doing every day! This effective app offers guided meditations, animations, articles and videos. Their goal is to help improve the overall health and happiness of society.

While their main focus is to reduce stress, Headspace also offers meditation for children, sleep, focus, and anxiety. This perfect multiple-purpose app can make your life more relaxed every time you make the simple choice to take a 2-5 minutes out of your busy day to use it.

Additional perks you will receive when you subscribe to Headspace:

·      Hundreds of guided meditations on subjects like focus, exercise, and sleep

·      Everyday Headspace: daily meditations on a new topic each day

·      “Mindful Moments” to keep you present throughout the day

·      2-3 minute “mini meditations” for a quick mental reset

·      “SOS” sessions for moments of panic, anxiety and stress

·      Sleep Sounds to help you drift off

·      Headspace animations to teach you new skills and answer your mindfulness questions

·      Track your progress and time spent meditating

·      Add Mindful Minutes within Apple Health

·      Buddy up and add your friends to meditate with you

·      Guided meditations and mindfulness exercises for Kids with sessions on Kindness, Calm, and Focus

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Our Experience

Us app gurus have used this app numerous times and have found it to be highly effective. We have used it during midterm season, over the summer after a long day at work and almost any other time we get stressed out. All of us have felt a difference when using this app even if it’s for just a few minutes during our day. It allows us a moment to relax, calm ourselves, and regain focus and patience. As students and young adults like many of you, we can relate to the high-stress conditions you can be faced with, and therefore highly recommend this app.

To download and learn more about the app click HERE!